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#9960 Pregnenolone – Balance All Male/Female Hormones, Boost Mood and Energy
Hormones are crucial for good health. They are responsible for many essential bodily functions; they are what makes you into a man or women. However, your hormones are the target of a dark force seeking to disrupt, degrade and weaken humanity, so it can take over this planet. Hormonal disruption can lead to ED for men, vaginal dryness for women, and low libido and depression for both. The building block for both male and female hormones (testosterone or estrogen) is progesterone, and the precursor for that is pregnenolone. In other words, you can't achieve the right hormonal balance without adequate levels of pregnenolone, which replenishes hormones as you age. This formula is naturally derived from wild yam and micronized to enhance absorption. In addition to hormonal balance, it helps with memory, adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues. It also boosts mood and energy.