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#9954 Pro B15 Pangamic Acid (Cancer Beating Protocol)
Found naturally in brewer's yeast, whole brown rice, pumpkin seeds and apricot seeds, Pangamic Acid (B15) has been used for centuries to help support endurance and fight fatigue. Best paired with Laetrile B17 and Pro Enzymes. Suggested use: take up to 6 capsules per day. Ingredients: calcium pangamate (100mg), dymethyglycine (100mg), trimethylglycine (100mg), calcium gluconate (100mg), gluconia acid (100mg).
Known for its various potential health benefits including increasing athletic endurance, antioxidant properties, and assistance in healthy aging, vitamin B15 may prove very valuable to individuals looking to supplement their health with a powerful vitamin.
The History of Vitamin B15
In 1938, a doctor named Ernst Krebs and his son first extracted and isolated pangamic acid from the seeds of apricot fruit. The substance is constituted of D-gluconodimethyl aminoacetic acid and was later given the name of vitamin B15 as evidence of potential health benefits from consuming the substance was found by Krebs and other researchers.
Pangamic acid, or vitamin B15, is most potently found in apricot kernels and products, but small traces of the nutrient also exist in Brewer’s yeast, whole grain brown rice, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and some other plant products.
Vitamin B15, as its name suggests, is a member of the B vitamins category, a group of nutrients that play vital roles in our bodily functions. Because our bodies cannot produce B vitamins on their own, it is essential that we supplement our diets with B vitamins. These nutrients are important for everyday life, but our bodies become more reliant on them when we age, develop, and live with medical conditions, become pregnant, choose specific dietary lifestyles, and more.
What are the Potential Health Benefits of Vitamin B15 (Pangamic Acid & DMG)?
Research conducted by the global science community has shown incredible promise in the positive impact vitamin B15 may have on human health.
While we look forward to seeing even more studies incorporating pangamic acid in the future, here is a short list of some of the most exciting potential benefits supplementing your diet with vitamin B15:
Better Energy, Metabolism, and Cellular Functions: Vitamin B15 May Function as a Methyl Donor
Brain Health: Vitamin B15 in the Treatment of Oxygen Depletion
Detoxifying Agent: Vitamin B15 as an Antioxidant for the Liver and Other Organs
Heart Health: Vitamin B15 May Help Support Lower Blood Cholesterol
Anti-Aging: Vitamin B15 in the Prevention of Premature Aging
Exercise Endurance: Vitamin B15 as an Athletic Supplement
Treatment of Autism: Vitamin B15 as a Potential Aid in the Health of Autistic Persons
Healthy Lung Support: Vitamin B15 in Treatment for Asthma and Other Lung Illnesses
What is the Best Way to Take Vitamin B15?
Our bodies cannot independently manufacture vitamins like vitamin B15 that help us survive and thrive. For that reason, we must explore the best external sources to improve our health and bodily functions. There are several ways to increase your intake of pangamic acid, which we will outline below! Please, as always, remember to coordinate introducing any new supplement with your primary care physician beforehand.