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Did someone say “cancer breakthrough”? DCA (Sodium Dichloroacetate) is an ordinary molecule with extraordinary abilities. Recent medical trials have shown that DCA causes regression in several cancers, including lung, breast, and brain tumors! DCA is a small, simple compound that cannot be patented - and so, since it is not a drug and does not require a prescription, it threatens the profits of Big Pharma, who don’t want you to know about it. However, the medical research is clear: DCA turns on the mitochondria of cancerous cells, which directs the cell to commit apoptosis (suicide) and die off, something which normal healthy cells do not do. DCA restores the cell’s original function of apoptosis enabling shrinkage in tumor size and mass. Testimonials have revealed reversal in illness, remission, clean health tests and increased vitality. What’s more, scientifically measurable results have been accomplished within days of starting treatment. Amazingly, DCA only affects cancerous cells and leaves the healthy cells intact, unlike toxic chemotherapy, radiation and prescription drugs. DCA can be simply mixed with water and its small molecular size allows for easy absorption. DCA has been used safely for decades to treat other diseases affecting cell mitochondria. The side effects are either non-existent or extremely minimal. Pharmaceutical grade pure DCA in powder form, made using no solvents, acetone, phenols, toluene or fillers.