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#9913 Black Seed Oil - Heal Diabetes, Beat Cancer and Kill Superbugs
If you only ever take 1 natural supplement, this needs to be at the top of your list. Black seed oil has extraordinary properties and offers an incredible array of health benefits. Numerous scientific studies have proven its ability to heal diabetes, help with weight loss, promote healthy skin and hair, combat various inflammatory diseases and reverse liver disease. Black seed oil is also a cancer killer – it has been shown to be effective against many types of cancer such as liver, melanoma (skin), pancreatic, cervical, breast, bone, stomach, lymphoma, prostate, colon and brain. Additionally, it kills both bacterial and fungal infections including "superbug" strains which have become resistant to antibiotics like MRSA! Black seed oil (aka nigella sativa or black cumin). Non-GMO, organic cold pressed oil, 120 softgel capsules (1000mg).