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#9907 Kauai Body Butter - Miracle Skin Rejuvenator
This rich and buttery health formula is a solution for all your skin problems. It helps with skin inflammation, e.g. psoriasis, eczema, rashes and rosacea. It's great for deep tissue massage and moisturizing. It relieves sun damage and tans sunburned skin to help it turn brown rather than red. It makes skin more soft and supple, and less crepey. It's wondrous for cuts, dry skin and cracked feet. Naturally, it's great to protect your skin against the ravishes of aging, so you can look young and either prevent or reduce wrinkles. Its ingredients, which are all organic or wildcrafted, include coconut oil, almond oil, kukui nut oil, tamanu butter, shea butter, beeswax, hyaluronic acid and green apple stem cells (which stimulate stem cell growth). 2 Oz. Jar $25.00 (Order# 9907)