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#9449 The Natural Solution for Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer and Sunspots - Referral
There are many natural solutions to cancer if you look hard enough. This is the top natural solution for non-melanoma skin cancers (squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma) and actinic keratosis (sunspots), which represent 90% of all skin cancers. It works by targeting a receptor that is only found in the cancer cells. It penetrates and kills cancer cells, but can’t penetrate normal cells, so normal cells are left untouched and unhurt while the cancer cells die. The active ingredient in this natural cream is derived from plants in the solanaceae (nightshade) family of eggplant, tomato, potato and bell pepper. It is also a spectacular anti-aging skin cream. Non-toxic, non-invasive and clinically proven. Internet req. Referral shows where to buy. Contact info.