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#9443 Top 10 Supplements to Repair Your Gut and Boost Your Energy Levels - Referral
It is estimated that 60-70 million Americans suffer from some form of gut dysfunction or digestive disease, from bloating and indigestion to leaky gut syndrome and Crohn's disease to inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer. There's no point eating all this good food if you can't absorb the nutrients from it! It's important to be able to wade through all the mediocre supplements on the market and know which ones are the best – which ones can really help fix your gut. This list contains the 10 best supplements for all sorts of gut issues. Some target IBS and long-term digestive issues. Some contain enzymes while others contain a mix of prebiotics and probiotics (prebiotics act as "food" or "fuel" for the probiotics). Important info. Some may require internet to order.