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#9341 How to Detox from Microplastics and Other Hormone Disruptors - Report
Plastic is everywhere. It may be the most enduring (and insidious) thing we’ve ever produced. It's in your clothes, your food packaging, your car, your phone and your mattress. Recent studies found microplastics (tiny plastic particles) in sea salt that you eat and bottled water that you drink. In 1 bottle of Nestlé Pure Life, concentrations were as high as 10,000 plastic pieces per liter! Plastic has been proven to cause cancer and is known endocrine disruptor, meaning it mimics and wreaks havoc on our hormonal system. Learn how to get plastics and microplastics out of your tissues, organs and body tissues, plus get tips for minimizing the amount of plastic that can enter your body. Report. $8.00 (Order# 9341)