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#9099 40 Incredible Real Life Alien Abductee and Contactee Experiences - Handbook
Have you ever suspected humanity was not the only race in the galaxy? You’re right. We are not alone. This guide shows you the evidence. Learn the fascinating background to the ET (extraterrestrial) issue on Earth, how we have indeed been visited numerous times and how US presidents have had to deal with the matter. Hear 40 alien abductee and contactee experiences from people, many of whom are still alive today. Discover how the ET affair opens up a Pandora’s box of issues, including secret black military operations, secret bases in the Solar System, the SSP (Secret Space Program), time travel and more. Open your mind to a whole other world that is there right now, in tandem with ours, whose very existence is extremely unlikely to ever be officially admitted. You will not be the same after reading this!