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#8845 The 60 Second Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases - Referral
What if you had a 60 second cure (which costs only 1.5 cents a day to self-administer) that could get rid of virtually any disease you could think of? I know, I know. You're probably thinking, "That can't be true! How could one simple remedy possibly cure all diseases? There's no such panacea." But suspend your disbelief for a moment, for your life – or the life of your loved one – could very well depend on this information. The cause of every disease is oxygen deficiency, as shown by two-time Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg. But oxygen can’t cure disease unless it’s delivered to the body’s cells and tissues. That’s why this is so brilliant: this easy 1-minute therapy uses a natural oxygenating substance which stimulates the movement of oxygen atoms from the bloodstream to the cells to a dramatically greater degree than is usually reached by other means – so the oxygen gets to the places it’s meant to, destroying disease! Every ailment responds well to this. Referral shows where to get book detailing therapy for less than 40 bucks. Int. req. Contact info.^ $8.00 (Order# 8845)