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A very serious and terribly scary thing is happening right now, and it’s not even secret, as it’s available to all who are awake enough to search it out. Even if you don’t believe it now, hopefully you will after reading this report. It shows you a way to survive the implementing of vicious Martial Law. Millions may starve to death or be killed, because of the government’s apathy. In fact, it’s fine with them, as genocide is also in their plans. This report is about basic survival and why things are as they have become. It shows you what is happening, what is going to happen, and why it is going to affect us all. It also explains critical things you will need to do, without exception, to stay alive. This is probably the most important information you’ll ever have about staying alive while others die. Knowledge, although simple, can mean power… it means your very life in the days to come soon! 44-pages. $25.00 ON SALE NOW! $21.00 (Order# 7741)