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#7711 How to Stop a Foreclosure With a Single Question to Your Banker - Report
If you are ever faced with a foreclosure or a bankruptcy proceeding in court, there is a dirty little question you can ask your lender (while he or she is under oath). This question carries such a weight that no matter how they answer they lose. If their answer is YES, or NO, the bank must zero out the (false) debt on their fraudulently created - non-existent loan. That’s right - there was NOT a lawful LOAN made to you. All Bankers, Politicians and Judges know this truth - and they fear the wrath of the public should their dirty-secret ever become known by a critical mass of the people that they have for decades been defrauding. Bankers will not answer this one question in any courtroom in the world. They also know that the evidence of this FACT can easily be found within the bank’s loan bookkeeping entries. In this report I reveal exactly what this question is and how to ask it. This is a silver bullet if I have ever seen one. Report $12.95 (Order# 7711)