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#6467 Mercury Dental Fillings May Be Killing You! - Report
For over one hundred fifty years dentists have been filling cavities full of mercury. The scientific evidence is overwhelming and has proven that mercury poisoning is responsible for a host of common ailments and diseases including brain damage in children, neurological and gastrointestinal problems, Alzheimer's, candida, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, outbursts of temper, stress intolerance, loss of self-confidence, indecision, headache, depression, etc. Learn about safe alternatives to mercury amalgams, how to access mercury free dentists and how to safely and easily detoxify your body from the mercury poisoning. It could improve your quality of life and may even save you thousands of dollars in medical expenses later on. Canadians are in the process of beginning a major class action lawsuit based on the fact that the government knew of but did not warn the public about mercury dangers from amalgam fillings. Report. $7.50 (Order# 6467)