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#5370 Survivor Testifies that Elon Musk is a Satanic Ritual Abuse Victim Like Her - DVD
SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) survivor Jessie Czebotar has fully exposed the Satanic network: kidnapping, adrenochrome, organ harvesting and black magic rituals of torture, rape and human sacrifice. She attended a ritual in 1983 at the Biltmore Mansion in Asheville, North Carolina, with Elon Musk and other famous figures who were all boys around the age of 12. She claims Musk was also part of military programs with her such as Project Looking Glass, Star Wars Now and Voice of God. The boys were raped with a bloody statue of Jesus, then forced to rape and kill captured girls. Will Elon Musk reveal he was a victim? Did he advance further in the Satanic Network after this incident?