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#5367 Thermal Runaway Fires from Lithium-Ion Batteries in Smart Meters and Electric Cars - DVD
Lithium-ion batteries are now being used in many things from smart meters to e-bikes to electric cars. When these batteries catch fire, a process called "thermal runaway" begins where they can go from 140ºF to 6000ºF in just a few seconds. The smart meter is connected to the copper wiring of the home; the copper is excellent at transferring heat via convection. When supposed "forest fires" hit neighborhoods, the culprits are lithium-ion batteries. The insulated copper wires carry extreme heat to every corner of the house, literally burning it from the inside out. Houses turn dust while the trees around survive intact. This method was most likely used for the 2025 California fires that burned LA. Welcome to Agenda 2030 land grab to make way for Smart 15-Minute Cities.