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#5366 Operation Timber Sycamore: True History Behind the 2024 Collapse of Syria - DVD
To the surprise of many, Syria collapsed in a few short weeks in November 2024, to be replaced by a jihadi outfit that was originally Al Qaeda but was rebranded to Al Nusra then Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham. Al Qaeda supposedly did 9/11, remember? They didn't – it was really Israel. The fall of Syria goes back to 1996 to Israeli PM Netanyahu and Zionist control over America, which fights Israel's wars for them. Find out how Operation Timber Sycamore was created after Obama tasked the CIA with Syria's overthrow. Learn the 3 key countries behind the coup led by "rent-a-mob" terrorists who are mostly foreigners and not Syrian – but now run the country on behalf of their masters.