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This is a superb spiritual book to help you understand how you work. You are not a little leaf at the mercy of the wind. You are a magnificent infinite creator, a threefold being of body, mind and spirit. This book explains how each level operates, so you can get the most out of yourself. The mind is like a camera, and our concentration is the exposure - whatever images/things we most focus on will be impressed upon the dark film of our subconscious, and become manifest. As a man thinketh in his heart so is he, but mere thought can’t change you; it is habit thoughts or heart thoughts originating from your solar plexus/instinct center which forms you. Man is a magnet, at least 95% of which is the habit mind. This book illustrates the power of intuition and prayer, the power of love and “I am” (not “I was” or “I shall be”), and many other powers ... seize the day and fulfill your potential. 95-pages $14.98 (Order# 5259)
This is a superb spiritual book to help you understand how you work. You are not a little leaf at the mercy of the wind. You are a magnificent infinite creator, a threefold being of body, mind and spirit. This book explains how each level operates, so you can get the most out of yourself. The mind is like a camera and our concentration is the exposure - whatever images/things we most focus on will be impressed upon the dark film of our subconscious, and become manifest. As a man thinketh in his heart so is he, but mere thought can’t change you; it is habit thoughts or heart thoughts originating from your solar plexus/instinct center which forms you. You are a magnet. This book illustrates the power of intuition and prayer and shows you how to seize the day and fulfill your potential. 95-pages $14.98 (Order# 5259)