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#3925 How to Be Happy and Sleep Well – By Boosting Serotonin and Melatonin - DVD
Could your health be more optimal? Are you missing something? Do you want to be happier and get better sleep? The answer may lay in understanding the immense importance of serotonin and melatonin. Learn which amino acid is the building block for these hormones. Discover how melatonin helps with sleep and multiple other functions in the body (it is anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and promotes skin and eye health). Find out why you can't very well have serotonin and dopamine at the same time. Learn the 2 best food sources for serotonin and the 4 foods that increase melatonin. Mastering this could bring great results to your health and happiness! 77-min. DVD $16.00 (Order# 3925)