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#3918 No True Isolation of Viruses Has Ever Happened - DVD
No true isolation of a virus has EVER happened, either for SARS-CoV-2 or other viruses like HIV. Are we to assume that the deadly "virus" is the only cause of disease – not poor hygiene, poor sanitation, toxic elements, pollution, EMF, pesticides, synthetic chemicals and deficiency of vital nutrients like vitamins B, C or D? Scientists claiming they've found a new virus, amidst all the millions of tiny particles that swim around in our cells and bloodstream, is like a European explorer visiting South America for the first time and claiming he found a Jaguar just because he found the tooth of a wild cat, despite not having found the skeleton or body of it. If viruses are never isolated, they don't exist as independent entities; there's simply no way they can cause disease! 47-min. DVD $16.00 (Order# 3918)