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#3529 Smashing the Manmade Global Warming/Climate Change Hoax - DVD
Temperatures from ~1880 to 2013 increased from ~288K to 288.8K (0.3%) while the Earth's population went from ~1.5 to 7 billion. If this is true, it has been amazingly stable. CO2 is not a toxin but a nutrient! Plant photosynthesis is geared for a much higher concentration of CO2 than current levels. Even if all the world's glaciers melted, the ocean would only rise by 1 meter! Why does NASA only have 8 thermometers for the entire South Pole? Why can't people openly discuss and analyze climate change science without being branded as "deniers"? Nobel Laureate in physics Ivar Giaever reveals why global warming is pseudoscience and a new religion.