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#2206 The Sinking of the Titanic: A Rothschild and Rockefeller Conspiracy? - DVD
In October 1910, a group of 7 men, all senior agents in the Rothschild, Morgan and Rockefeller financial empires, met in strict secrecy on a private island (Jekyll Island) off the coast of Georgia, USA. Their goal was to create a private central bank in America, but several powerful, high-profile opponents (Benjamin Guggenheim, John Jacob Astor and Isador Strauss) stood in the way of their plan. Conveniently, all 3 of these men were killed with the sinking of the Titanic, so in 1913 the Federal Reserve was created, and the rest is history. More than 100 years after the disaster, learn some of the information and evidence that contradicts the official version.