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#1080 NAI Miracle Remedy - Wipe Out Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi and Malignant Growths - 20g Salve Jar
This is a miracle product if there ever was one - a remedy which is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal all at once (most remedies only specialize in 1 of those 3 capabilities)! This stuff is so potent that it easily deals with common skin problems such as viral moles, warts and skin tags, but is especially powerful when it comes to skin, prostate, colon and breast cancers. It acts as a cancer preventative by eliminating malignant growths and preventing tumorous cells from multiplying. Additionally, it boosts the immune system, detoxifies the blood and body by inducing oxygen into the system and conquers all sorts of viral disorders and internal growths. This really is a panacea which can help you in so many ways, and is an essential addition to your home medicine cabinet. Available in salve or tablet form.
20g salve Jar $33.00 (Order# 1080)
60 tablet Bottle $55.00 (Order# 1081)